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Empires of Waste

There is no garbage, no waste – waste is an ‘intended thing’, without which mass consumption would be impossible. As consumption expands, globally, so does waste….



6 Responses

  1. Hey, I am Jeasurk Yang. Ph.D. candidate at the dept. of geography, National University of Singapore (NUS).
    My ph.d. project is about the materiality of waste and its relation to climate change vulnerability in the urban slums of Jakarta, Indonesia.
    I am happy to see a new blog on waste opened here :-).
    Hope this blog can be a good location for letting people know about the geographical issues of waste.

    1. Thanks for your comment! We’ve only just started and hope to provided a range of waste issues across the global spectrum; please let us know if there’s anything in particular you’d like a focus on..

      Keep reading!

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